
Ozonated olive oil producer

We are the largest Polish producer of ozonated olive oil. In our production and ozonation we use our own, proprietary technical solutions and the procedure used in the medicine production.

“OlivOzoneOil” ozonated olive oil


Research and development Korona Laboratory 


13C NMR spectra signals for olive oil and ozonated olive oil showing ozonide as compared to the degree of oxidation of double bonds

The ozonides are completely harmless, they are stable components that do not evaporate over time and whose structure allows them to penetrate to the deepest layers of skin and have a positive effect on cells. The action of ozonides is to enable and intensify individual chemical reactions involving the most important to the regeneration and defense of cells, element – oxygen. Owing to their oxidising properties, ozonides give a powerful energy boost.

Scientific research have proven that ozone can bind to fats. It creates substances that release free oxygen under the influence of water. Cold-pressed olive oil (extra virgin) is the best fat which ozone can be bound with. Such olive oil is of great importance in cosmetology and dermatology as the basis of many skin-protecting preparations and protecting it against ageing. The properties of olive oil were already known to the ancients. In addition to the religious and ceremonial context, the ritual anointing with olive oil was certainly good for health. It contains, among others, over 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, polyphenols of plant origin. Owing to its oily form it is easy to apply and easily penetrates into the deep layers of skin. Under the influence of the natural moisture of skin – sweat, biologically active substances that provide protection, oxygenation and revitalisation are released from it. At the same time, the properties of ozone destroying microorganisms make it possible to use ozonated olive oil to improve the appearance of healthy skin as well as to cure and alleviate its various lesions such as herpes, sunburns, reactions after radiotherapy, abrasion of the limb stumps by prosthesis funnels, injuries, bedsores, psoriatic lesions, inflammatory changes and ulcerations. It is also an excellent agent for the prevention of foot infections.

The ozonated olive oil, produced by our company, has an analytically confirmed and statistically repetitive concentration of ozonide (1,2,4 trioxolane). It provides the desired properties of this substance and guarantees its durability. Using statistical methods, the concentration of ozonide is analysed analytically in order to meet the procedures used in medicine production. When stored in the domestic environment, ozonated olive oil retains its properties for twenty four months. When using ozonated oil, pour out the necessary quantity, e.g. onto a saucer, so as not to introduce contamination into the bottle.

Ordering ozonated oil:

-quantities above 5 L in non-returnable canisters of 5 L in the manufacturer’s company:

Research and development Korona Laboratory

Narutowicza 94/96
97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski; POLAND


Ozonated olive – price

Compared to American and German (our competition) products, the price of our ozonated olive oil is reasonable. We offer the product of the highest quality – ozonated olive oil with excellent price/quality ratio. For wholesale orders of pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies there is a possibility of negotiating prices. Of course, the price of ozonated olive oil depends on the order, its repeatability.

Information leaflets on our ozonated olive oil

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